Welcome to Doddridge News
We are a community service online E-Newspaper dedicated to providing the Doddridge County Community with news and information. Our topics draw from announcements of future events, current news stories, and follow up coverage of local events.
The overall intent is to PROMOTE Doddridge County on a daily basis. We need input from ALL Doddridge County Residents and ALL Doddridge County organizations and service providers. Religious, Community Activists Groups, Volunteers who wear ANY kind of hat - even neighborhood groups, weddings, marriages and yard sale activity. Report it all, we want to hear from you, good or bad news!
This electronic newspaper receives literally thousands of hits or unique visitors per week from people searching for anything "Doddridge" . When they land here we want them to get a good look at who we are in Doddridge County by reporting ALL of our activities. But this picture can only be painted properly if our residents and businesses contribute their announcements and stories.
Please contribute your announcements, challenges and achievements to the staff at Doddridge News and we will make your news item part of the landscape that will be "Doddridge County" to all those who come looking for our real estate, jobs, retail goods and hospitality.
Want to be a feature writer or as steady reporter for your group, church, social organization or government and quasi government offices? We'll happily be your publisher.
We especially welcome responsible rebuttal to articles posted in the Doddridge News in addition to new fresh controversial topics. We are not anti- or pro- anything. If we look like we lean one way, that's due to the input we receive from Doddridge County residents. Everyone can jump on the Doddridge News bandwagon and speak their mind. Keep those emails and snail mail announcements coming folks!
Please make sure we are on your "Press Release" eMail list.
Contact Doddridge News
Email: doddridgenews@gmail.com
Phone: (304) 566-9253
CONTRIBUTING Stories to Doddridge News
As a community newspaper, we welcome contributions from Doddridge County, WV residents. We are looking for weekly columnists, feature stories from all residents, even story ideas that we can develop. Please email us with your story or column ideas at doddridgenews@gmail.com or leave us a message at our voice drop mailbox @ (304) 566-9253 anytime.
AP style reporting is preferred for news stories but not a requirement. Unfortunately, at this time, we are not able to pay our contributors. You will have your story and byline read by almost 5000 local, state and nationwide readers who have local ties and interests in and around Doddridge County. We even have a mobile version if you look us up on your SmartPhone.

Are you a avid reader? Book reviews from our residents (and authors) are always welcome.
Local interest stories are our main goal, but anything that hits home with our West Virginia readers will find a place on our pages. Have something REALLY unique and create a page for you. Are you a movie buff, or gardener extraordinaire? Write for us and launch your online career. (In fact if you want to write for money, we have just the online writer's resource to get you started.
If you're starting a business venture in Doddridge County or if you have an established business that needs to announce an update or change, we would love to do a feature story about your enterprise, free. We might ask you to consider an advertisement in the future, but it's the news about your business that we want first and foremost. It need not be a brick and mortar store either. If you quilt or sew from home for instance, we want to help you tell the community what you do and how to contact you. The county is growing and many new residents can't always rely on word of mouth like we've done here for decades.
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